NEW solar lift powered by a simple battery powered screwdriver.

mast climbing scaffold camac 3000

Mast climber double mast 32 m and single mast 12 m

Mast climbing scaffold CAMAC 3000

Mast climber double mast 32 m and single mast 12 m

Mast climbing platform suitable for refurbishment work. The combination of maximum safety with easy installation and use, along with its fast speed of 10 m/min., become an important saving of time at works.

Great robustness. Galvanized platforms and masts.

Square mast compatible with: EC-1700/150, ECP-1500/150 and EPM-1500/150.

Personnel and materials
Load capacity:
1.720/3.420 Kg
11,84/32,40 m
Elevation speed:
10 m/m

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